I encountered an error message when I was running PROC SQL function in SAS.
Below is my command:
proc sql;
create table abc1
as select a.endfyr,a.begfyr,a.datadate, b.*
from data.table1 as a
right join
data.CRSP_19792013 as b
on a.lpermno=b.permno and a.begfyr<=b.date<=a.endfyr;
Below is the results from log file: GOPTIONS ACCESSIBLE;
proc sql;
create table abc1
as select a.endfyr,a.begfyr,a.datadate, b.*
from data.table1 as a
right join
data.CRSP_19792013 as b
on a.lpermno=b.permno and a.begfyr<=b.date<=a.endfyr;
- NOTE: SAS threaded sort was used.
- ERROR: Sort execution failure.
- NOTE: PROC SQL set option NOEXEC and will continue to check the syntax of statements. quit;
- NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
real time 35.54 seconds
- user cpu time 16.03 seconds
- system cpu time 15.08 seconds
- memory 271858.12k
- OS Memory 277812.00k
- Timestamp 09/25/2014 04:02:32 AM
After searching online for solutions, I found that the error Sort execution failure
could be due to lack of memory. I did increase memsize and sortsize. But they are not helpful. However, the memory and OS memory stated above (log file results) is suggesting something? data.CRSP_19792013 is indeed a large file.
Should you require further info to help me, please do let me know.
statement) them back together. – Chris J