After finding out that the Cordova plugin I use to work with Chromecast doesn't send the MediaInfo.Metadata I provide (see How to set/change album art?), I've decided to implement it myself. But this brings me to the following question:
Can I change the album art image after I loaded the media using RemoteMediaPlayer.load()
The thing is that I'm using the chromecast to play a radio stream, so it would be nice if I could change the 'now playing' info without reloading the entire stream. I only want to set the title and image(s).
This is, of course, possible when I build my own Custom Receiver app but I hope that the default Styled Media Receiver already provides some method for this.
I think I would need to use sendMessage()
, and the Chromecast Developer site does mention sending messages and images, but it only says that 'media messages' have a predefined namespace (
) and then nothing. It says images have three properties (url, width, height) but not what the syntax of the message should be.
So can anyone help me with this?