
Symfony2 has a command for generating controllers


Command's default behavior is to generate the given controller inside controller folder within the bundle.

Is it possible to customize the folder where the controller will be generated ( controller/backend for example ) ?

You would better have separate bundles for frontend and backend.moonwave99
I don't think that you can add the subfolder in the command. Moreover I don't think it's a good way to add a subdirectory in the YourBundle\Controller. By the way, may you want create your own generate:controller. Have a look at How to create a basic commandDebflav
@moonwave99 could you explain why it's better to separate them please ?zizoujab
@zizoujab because they have different purposes and they can be [re]used separately. Of course it is a matter of taste ^^moonwave99

2 Answers


You can get all the available options of this command with the help command:

php app/console help generate:controller

No you can't with the current task, but you could extend the GenerateControllerCommand to add custom options. Check out its generate function:

// GenerateControllerCommand.php
public function generate(BundleInterface $bundle, $controller, $routeFormat, $templateFormat, array $actions = array())
    $controllerFile = $dir.'/Controller/'.$controller.'Controller.php';
    $this->renderFile('controller/Controller.php.twig', $controllerFile, $parameters);

You can try: "php bin/console make:controller Directory\\ControllerName"