I am using Excel 2013. I have added an activex control to my spreadsheet. The control is a checkbox which I have named chkAD1. My spreadsheet is called "timeseries_AD".
I am trying to reference the checkbox to check its value however without any joy. I have tried the lines below,
This results in the error message "unable to get the OLEObjects property of the worksheet class".
I have read that an activex control has two names. One is the name of the shape that contains the control the other is the code name. I'm not sure which one I have changed. I clicked on my control and in the Name Box renamed it to "chkAD1". Is that the shape name or code name I have changed?
UPDATE - Apologies
Sorry the control I added is not an activex control it is actually a form control.
Msgbox worksheets("timeseries_AD").Shapes("chkAD1").Name
return? An error? – Rory