Steps to symbolicate crash log manually in Xcode 6
If you archived the release build before release, then go to STEP 2. Otherwise archive your final release build (without any code change).
To locate your archive file, open organizer -> choose your project -> choose the latest archive file -> right click over it -> choose 'show in finder'
Right click on '*.xcarchive' file and select 'show package content' option then go to Products folder -> Applications Folder -> (.app extension is hidden in some machine)
Copy and paste your .app file in different location. Put the crash log file also in the same folder. Open terminal app and go to the folder which you pasted, through 'cd' command
And type the following command in terminal with your crash address
xcrun atos -o -arch armv7 -l 0xbd000
Note: If the above command doesn't work, then change "armv7 to armv7s" and check.
Eg: Crash log look like this, you need to get crash address and put it in the above command
3 CoreGraphics 0x266814d3 CGPathAddLineToPoint + 171
4 YourAppName 0x00140a8b 0xbd000 + 539275
5 YourAppName 0x0013f745 0xbd000 + 534341
6 Foundation 0x27152d6b __NSThreadPerformPerform + 383
7 CoreFoundation 0x2640a375
code formatting
for emphasis. It's meant for code. – dandan78