I am creating a Linux C++/Qt5 app which opens a TCP socket for an outbound connection (to a remote server). I create a QTcpSocket and then try to set sockopt options as follows:
m_tcpSocket = new QTcpSocket(this);
int fd = m_tcpSocket->socketDescriptor();
int enableKeepAlive = 1; // Enable
if ( setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, &enableKeepAlive, sizeof(enableKeepAlive)) != 0)
Unfortunately my setsockopt is failing with 'Bad file descriptor' error, because m_tcpSocket->socketDescriptor() is returning -1. How do I get the socket descriptor for an outbound socket before it connects? Or do I have to do this AFTER connect? (which seems to contract what I understand from the Qt docs)
The above works fine for a listening socket (QTcpServer)....just not QTcpSocket.
for this? – Геннадий Казачёк