I have just started prolog and was wondering if we can implement conditional statements like(if.else)in Prolog also and if so how?? Can someone implement this code in Prolog just for an example-
print("A is 2");
print("A is 3");
Ok so I am doing this after Sergey Dymchenko answer.
Test(A) :-read(A),
( A =:= 2 ->
write('A is 2')
( A =:= 3 ->
write('A is 3')
This is giving right answer except this is displaying A = 2 also which I dont want(If I give input 2).
read(Term). f(Term)==f(2) :- write('Hello world!').
I see that my answer will not help you. Consider reading some introductory Prolog text like "Learn Prolog Now!" learnprolognow.org first. – Sergii Dymchenko