
As the tittle says... How to know if a page is private or public? I need to implement some logic in a velocity file from my custom theme only for private pages.

I found this page Access Objects from Velocity and it seems very useful but I need some help with the API because I don't know which utility class has a method for what I'm looking.

I thought in a workaround making my condition a theme property, but I don't want to depend from the admin user

Thank you


3 Answers


Artem Khojoyan's answer above is to the point.

But I would like to add some more info.

Page in liferay is represented by Layout object. Theme template supports layout as well as many more objects in the theme-template, which you can check in the class VelocityVariablesImpl. You can check statements like velocityContext.put("key","value"); where key is the variable you can use in velocity template as $key.

So since $layout is nothing but the Layout object, you can use all the public instance methods of this Layout object in velocity.

For every request, $layout in theme represents the current-page, which needs to be loaded.

So finally you can do the following in your portal_normal.vm or init_custom.vm or any other *.vm you have in the theme:

  #*.. do something if it is public ...*#
  #*.. do something if it is private ...*#

Hope this helps.


you can use as well :

  #*.. This is public ...*#
#elseif ($layoutmodel.isprivatelayout())
  #*.. This is private ...*#

for more details about other methodes for Liferay Interface Layout