
I'm triing to test a modal form with cucumber/capybara. The modal is loaded after page rendering. But the input text is not found.

Here is my sourcecode.

  1. The view is rendering the modal

    <div class="modal hide fade" id="myModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" data-backdrop="static" style="width:600px; padding:30px">Loading...</div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      $(document).ready(function() {
        $('#myModal').html("<%= j render("form")%>");
  2. The modal contains only a input text

    <input id="project_title" name="project[title]" type="text" value="">
  3. The test is like this (I have tried differents methods in comments)

    # find(:css, "#project_title").set value
    # within("#myModal") do
    #   find(:css, "#project_title", visible: false).set value
    # end
    # sleep 3
    find(:css, "#project_title", visible: false).set value

The error is Unable to find css "#project_title" (Capybara::ElementNotFound) I have tried to put the input text in the div to test the selector, it works good. So, it is really a problem with the modal form.

Thanks for your help.


Is there any solution for this issue?Wings2fly
I don't know, I never found itelhostis

2 Answers


It might take some times to trigger the modal after the document is ready. To increase the chance, you may prolong the default wait time (which is 2 seconds by default).

Capybara.default_wait_time = 10

Hope this help.


You're setting Capybara to search for a hidden element, but the element is visible on the modal.

within("#myModal") do
  find(:css, "#project_title").set value

Or alternatively:

find("#myModal").find("#project_title").set value