
Does someone know a message that gets send at the end of a resizing event (like double clicking app bar, maximize button click, drag to the top of the screen, ...), a good example is WM_EXITSIZEMOVE, but it's only at the end of the dragging of the window size bar.

So my question is, does it exist a message that gets called when any sizing event has occured, at the end of it (not like WM_SIZE)?


1 Answers


You'll get a WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED message with the SWP_NOSIZE flag cleared at the end of any sizing event. There's no other message that indicates sizing has finished other than WM_EXITSIZEMOVE which indicates the end of a modal moving/sizing loop. If you get WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED without previously getting WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE then you can assume you're not being resized modally.