
In the Google developer console, when you create new app credentials for use in OAuth 2.0, and you specify a web app, it requests that you register callback URI and JavaScript origins.

I don't have a precise understanding of the need to register these.

For the callback URI, presumably this prevents a 3rd party who presents a malicious page to a user from getting the authorization code. However, the client id and secret are still hidden in the app server, so isn't the malicious application unable to do anything anyway?

Furthermore, if the callback URI is already registered, what does registering the JS origins separately accomplish. Unlike the callback URI registration, this is not mentioned by the OAuth 2.0 spec, it's something Google chose to implement.

Thank you for your help!


2 Answers


When you request a token, that token will be passed to the callback URL. By only permitting callback URLs that you have configured in the API console, you are preventing malicious users from spoofing the request and having the token sent to a third party. I suspect the aspect of OAuth that you've missed is that the callback is sent via a browser redirect, so is easy to fake.

Callback URLs are part of the OAuth server flow.

JS Origins come into play when you are using the client (Javascript) OAuth flow. They ensure that any OAuth request has come from a page that originated on your site.

The server flow is ...

enter image description here


OK I think I understand a bit more from reading the spec. https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-10.6

It is to prevent an attack by a user of the same client An attacker can create an account at the same client and initiate auth flow, but he replaces the redirect URI with his own URI.

He then tricks a victim into following the link to authorize the same legit client they are using. However, the auth code is now sent to the attacker URI.

The attacker then completes the flow by providing the auth code back to the client, which the client uses to complete the flow obtaining the token. However, this token may be associated by the client with the attacker, allowing him to impersonate the victim.