I am trying to implement a liking mechanism to the the demo newsfeed shown here http://docs.neo4j.org/chunked/stable/cypher-cookbook-newsfeed.html
So basically when a user clicks like on a status update I want to link the user node to the status update node. However I want to search for the status update node through the author's node. Hence I use something like the following:
MATCH (n:user)-[:STATUSUPDATE]->(m)-[:NEXT*]->(o)
WHERE n.username = "pewpewlasers" AND (m.permalink = "acode" OR o.permalink = "acode")
MATCH (p:user)
WHERE id(p)=1,
CREATE (p)-[x:LIKED]->(o)
return x
Basically what I am trying to achieve is, finding a status update node through the author's node, and then looking for the update with a permalink code.
When found I want to connect the liker user's node to the status update through a LIKED
However, you probably already see the problems with this cypher.
This cypher requires that the permalink is one of the nodes that is connected with NEXT
relationship, otherwise if the first node (connected by the STATUSUPDATE
relationship) contains the permalink, it selects all status update nodes connected by the NEXT
relationship. The user will thus end up liking all posts. What is probably required is like the following:
MATCH (n:user)-[:STATUSUPDATE]->(m)-[:NEXT*]->(o)
WHERE n.username = "pewpewlasers" AND m.permalink = "acode"
MATCH (p:user)
WHERE id(p)=1,
CREATE (p)-[x:LIKED]->(m)
return x
-- ELSE --
MATCH (n:user)-[:STATUSUPDATE]->(m)-[:NEXT*]->(o)
WHERE n.username = "pewpewlasers" AND o.permalink = "acode"
MATCH (p:user)
WHERE id(p)=1,
CREATE (p)-[x:LIKED]->(o)
return x