
I recently switched from Django 1.6 to 1.7, and I began using migrations (I never used South).

Before 1.7, I used to load initial data with a fixture/initial_data.json file, which was loaded with the python manage.py syncdb command (when creating the database).

Now, I started using migrations, and this behavior is deprecated :

If an application uses migrations, there is no automatic loading of fixtures. Since migrations will be required for applications in Django 2.0, this behavior is considered deprecated. If you want to load initial data for an app, consider doing it in a data migration. (https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.7/howto/initial-data/#automatically-loading-initial-data-fixtures)

The official documentation does not have a clear example on how to do it, so my question is :

What is the best way to import such initial data using data migrations :

  1. Write Python code with multiple calls to mymodel.create(...),
  2. Use or write a Django function (like calling loaddata) to load data from a JSON fixture file.

I prefer the second option.

I don't want to use South, as Django seems to be able to do it natively now.

Also, I want to add another question to the OP's original question: How should we do data migrations for data not belonging in our applications. For instance, if somebody is using the sites framework he needs to have a fixture with the sites data. Since the sites framework is not related to our applications, where should we put that data migration ? Thanks !Serafeim
An important point that has not been addressed by anyone here yet is what happens when you need to add data defined in a data migration to a database that you have faked migrations on. Since the migrations were faked, your data migration will not run and you must do it by hand. At this point you may as well just call loaddata on a fixture file.hekevintran
Another interesting scenario is what happens if you have a data migration to create auth.Group instances for example and later on you have a new Group you want to create as seed data. You'll need to create a new data migration. This can be annoying because your Group seed data will be in multiple files. Also in the event you want to reset migrations, you'll have to look through to find the data migrations that set up seed data and port them as well.hekevintran
@Serafeim The question "Where to put the initial data for a third party app" does not change if you use a data migration instead of fixtures, since you only change the way the data gets loaded. I use a small custom app for things like this. If the third-party app is called "foo", I call my simple app containing the data migration/fixture "foo_integration".guettli
@guettli yes, probably using an extra application is the best way to do it!Serafeim

7 Answers


Update: See @GwynBleidD's comment below for the problems this solution can cause, and see @Rockallite's answer below for an approach that's more durable to future model changes.

Assuming you have a fixture file in <yourapp>/fixtures/initial_data.json

  1. Create your empty migration:

    In Django 1.7:

    python manage.py makemigrations --empty <yourapp>

    In Django 1.8+, you can provide a name:

    python manage.py makemigrations --empty <yourapp> --name load_intial_data
  2. Edit your migration file <yourapp>/migrations/0002_auto_xxx.py

    2.1. Custom implementation, inspired by Django' loaddata (initial answer):

    import os
    from sys import path
    from django.core import serializers
    fixture_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../fixtures'))
    fixture_filename = 'initial_data.json'
    def load_fixture(apps, schema_editor):
        fixture_file = os.path.join(fixture_dir, fixture_filename)
        fixture = open(fixture_file, 'rb')
        objects = serializers.deserialize('json', fixture, ignorenonexistent=True)
        for obj in objects:
    def unload_fixture(apps, schema_editor):
        "Brutally deleting all entries for this model..."
        MyModel = apps.get_model("yourapp", "ModelName")
    class Migration(migrations.Migration):  
        dependencies = [
            ('yourapp', '0001_initial'),
        operations = [
            migrations.RunPython(load_fixture, reverse_code=unload_fixture),

    2.2. A simpler solution for load_fixture (per @juliocesar's suggestion):

    from django.core.management import call_command
    fixture_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../fixtures'))
    fixture_filename = 'initial_data.json'
    def load_fixture(apps, schema_editor):
        fixture_file = os.path.join(fixture_dir, fixture_filename)
        call_command('loaddata', fixture_file) 

    Useful if you want to use a custom directory.

    2.3. Simplest: calling loaddata with app_label will load fixtures from the <yourapp>'s fixtures dir automatically :

    from django.core.management import call_command
    fixture = 'initial_data'
    def load_fixture(apps, schema_editor):
        call_command('loaddata', fixture, app_label='yourapp') 

    If you don't specify app_label, loaddata will try to load fixture filename from all apps fixtures directories (which you probably don't want).

  3. Run it

    python manage.py migrate <yourapp>

Short version

You should NOT use loaddata management command directly in a data migration.

# Bad example for a data migration
from django.db import migrations
from django.core.management import call_command

def load_fixture(apps, schema_editor):
    # No, it's wrong. DON'T DO THIS!
    call_command('loaddata', 'your_data.json', app_label='yourapp')

class Migration(migrations.Migration):
    dependencies = [
        # Dependencies to other migrations

    operations = [

Long version

loaddata utilizes django.core.serializers.python.Deserializer which uses the most up-to-date models to deserialize historical data in a migration. That's incorrect behavior.

For example, supposed that there is a data migration which utilizes loaddata management command to load data from a fixture, and it's already applied on your development environment.

Later, you decide to add a new required field to the corresponding model, so you do it and make a new migration against your updated model (and possibly provide a one-off value to the new field when ./manage.py makemigrations prompts you).

You run the next migration, and all is well.

Finally, you're done developing your Django application, and you deploy it on the production server. Now it's time for you to run the whole migrations from scratch on the production environment.

However, the data migration fails. That's because the deserialized model from loaddata command, which represents the current code, can't be saved with empty data for the new required field you added. The original fixture lacks necessary data for it!

But even if you update the fixture with required data for the new field, the data migration still fails. When the data migration is running, the next migration which adds the corresponding column to the database, is not applied yet. You can't save data to a column which does not exist!

Conclusion: in a data migration, the loaddata command introduces potential inconsistency between the model and the database. You should definitely NOT use it directly in a data migration.

The Solution

loaddata command relies on django.core.serializers.python._get_model function to get the corresponding model from a fixture, which will return the most up-to-date version of a model. We need to monkey-patch it so it gets the historical model.

(The following code works for Django 1.8.x)

# Good example for a data migration
from django.db import migrations
from django.core.serializers import base, python
from django.core.management import call_command

def load_fixture(apps, schema_editor):
    # Save the old _get_model() function
    old_get_model = python._get_model

    # Define new _get_model() function here, which utilizes the apps argument to
    # get the historical version of a model. This piece of code is directly stolen
    # from django.core.serializers.python._get_model, unchanged. However, here it
    # has a different context, specifically, the apps variable.
    def _get_model(model_identifier):
            return apps.get_model(model_identifier)
        except (LookupError, TypeError):
            raise base.DeserializationError("Invalid model identifier: '%s'" % model_identifier)

    # Replace the _get_model() function on the module, so loaddata can utilize it.
    python._get_model = _get_model

        # Call loaddata command
        call_command('loaddata', 'your_data.json', app_label='yourapp')
        # Restore old _get_model() function
        python._get_model = old_get_model

class Migration(migrations.Migration):
    dependencies = [
        # Dependencies to other migrations

    operations = [

Inspired by some of the comments (namely n__o's) and the fact that I have a lot of initial_data.* files spread out over multiple apps I decided to create a Django app that would facilitate the creation of these data migrations.

Using django-migration-fixture you can simply run the following management command and it will search through all your INSTALLED_APPS for initial_data.* files and turn them into data migrations.

./manage.py create_initial_data_fixtures
Migrations for 'eggs':
Migrations for 'sausage':
  Ignoring 'initial_data.yaml' - migration already exists.
Migrations for 'foo':
  Ignoring 'initial_data.yaml' - not migrated.

See django-migration-fixture for install/usage instructions.


In order to give your database some initial data, write a data migration. In the data migration, use the RunPython function to load your data.

Don't write any loaddata command as this way is deprecated.

Your data migrations will be run only once. The migrations are an ordered sequence of migrations. When the 003_xxxx.py migrations is run, django migrations writes in the database that this app is migrated until this one (003), and will run the following migrations only.


The solutions presented above didn't work for me unfortunately. I found that every time I change my models I have to update my fixtures. Ideally I would instead write data migrations to modify created data and fixture-loaded data similarly.

To facilitate this I wrote a quick function which will look in the fixtures directory of the current app and load a fixture. Put this function into a migration in the point of the model history that matches the fields in the migration.


In my opinion fixtures are a bit bad. If your database changes frequently, keeping them up-to-date will came a nightmare soon. Actually, it's not only my opinion, in the book "Two Scoops of Django" it's explained much better.

Instead I'll write a Python file to provide initial setup. If you need something more I'll suggest you look at Factory boy.

If you need to migrate some data you should use data migrations.

There's also "Burn Your Fixtures, Use Model Factories" about using fixtures.


On Django 2.1, I wanted to load some models (Like country names for example) with initial data.

But I wanted this to happen automatically right after the execution of initial migrations.

So I thought that it would be great to have an sql/ folder inside each application that required initial data to be loaded.

Then within that sql/ folder I would have .sql files with the required DMLs to load the initial data into the corresponding models, for example:

INSERT INTO appName_modelName(fieldName)
    ("country 1"),
    ("country 2"),
    ("country 3"),
    ("country 4");

To be more descriptive, this is how an app containing an sql/ folder would look: enter image description here

Also I found some cases where I needed the sql scripts to be executed in a specific order. So I decided to prefix the file names with a consecutive number as seen in the image above.

Then I needed a way to load any SQLs available inside any application folder automatically by doing python manage.py migrate.

So I created another application named initial_data_migrations and then I added this app to the list of INSTALLED_APPS in settings.py file. Then I created a migrations folder inside and added a file called run_sql_scripts.py (Which actually is a custom migration). As seen in the image below:

enter image description here

I created run_sql_scripts.py so that it takes care of running all sql scripts available within each application. This one is then fired when someone runs python manage.py migrate. This custom migration also adds the involved applications as dependencies, that way it attempts to run the sql statements only after the required applications have executed their 0001_initial.py migrations (We don't want to attempt running a SQL statement against a non-existent table).

Here is the source of that script:

import os
import itertools

from django.db import migrations
from YourDjangoProjectName.settings import BASE_DIR, INSTALLED_APPS

SQL_FOLDER = "/sql/"

    (os.path.join(BASE_DIR, app + SQL_FOLDER), app) for app in INSTALLED_APPS
    if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, app + SQL_FOLDER))

    sorted([path + file for file in os.listdir(path) if file.lower().endswith('.sql')])
    for path, app in APP_SQL_FOLDERS

def load_file(path):
    with open(path, 'r') as f:
        return f.read()

class Migration(migrations.Migration):

    dependencies = [
        (app, '__first__') for path, app in APP_SQL_FOLDERS

    operations = [
        migrations.RunSQL(load_file(f)) for f in list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(SQL_FILES))

I hope someone finds this helpful, it worked just fine for me!. If you have any questions please let me know.

NOTE: This might not be the best solution since I'm just getting started with django, however still wanted to share this "How-to" with you all since I didn't find much information while googling about this.