I've got a problem with the apache poi excel api (xlsx). I'm using android studio and I've added the poi libs to the "libs" folders. This error is popping up for some reason (see below). How would I solve it?, could you please explain how you identified the issue?
xmlbeans-2.6.0, poi-ooxml-schemas-3.10.1-20140818, poi-ooxml-3.10.1-20140818, poi-3.10.1-20140818, log4j-1.2.13, junit-4.11, dom4j-1.6.1, commons-logging-1.1, commons-codec-1.5
My build.gradle looks like the following (excluding the generic other stuff)...
dependencies { compile fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs') }
android { packagingOptions { exclude 'META-INF/LICENSE' exclude 'META-INF/NOTICE' exclude 'META-INF/LICENSE.txt' exclude 'META-INF/NOTICE.txt' } }
My app.iml has no duplicate entries either...
Error:Class org.apache.xmlbeans.xml.stream.Location has already been added to output. Please remove duplicate copies. compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended (org.apache.log4j.chainsaw.ControlPanel$1) that doesn't come with an associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler 1 error; aborting