
I need to get the feedback star ratings for 5 questions, I'm using titanium alloy mobile development. For the same reason I have used the star rating widget from the below link,


From the above link there is only one set of stars, But I need to use the star ratings for 5 times. How can I do that. I need the following format

1. Question?

2. Question?

3. Question?

4. Question?

5. Question?


The widget is working fine but the stars are displaying only for one question, I need the stars for all the five questions, below is my current output,

enter image description here


    <Window id="questionnaireWin" title="Plan India" platform="android,ios">
        <View id="header">
              <Label id="title">Feedback</Label>

        <Label id="question1" class="question">1. Question 1?</Label>
         <Require type="widget" src="starrating" id="widget" name="widget" />

         <Label id="question2" class="question">2. Question 2?</Label>
         <Require type="widget" src="starrating" id="widget" name="widget" />  

         <Button class="button" onClick="submitRatings">Proceed</Button>


Though, I'm using widget twice it is showing only once. Please help how to do this?

Else any easy way to do this using any plugins or something esle?


1 Answers


You have required the same widget tow times using the same id. you should define different id.

   <Window id="questionnaireWin" title="Plan India" platform="android,ios">
    <View id="header">
          <Label id="title">Feedback</Label>

    <Label id="question1" class="question">1. Question 1?</Label>
     <Require type="widget" src="starrating" id="widget1" name="widget" />

     <Label id="question2" class="question">2. Question 2?</Label>
     <Require type="widget" src="starrating" id="widget2" name="widget" />  

     <Button class="button" onClick="submitRatings">Proceed</Button>


and the in you js file initialize widget1 & widget2 ...


EDIT you can test this example that i have created ...