I am new to Wix. I have created a Wix bootstrapper project. I was going to use variables defined from registry search to check if my .net redistributable install should run. However from this source I saw how to include links for the different .net installs bundling .net
but this will not work for an offline capable installer as stated in the article.
Is there a way to bundle my .net install into my burn package and still use something like this to run the .net install? Again I a new to wix and the way I think the PackageGroupRef is working here is to only run the install of this version of .net if needed.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi"
xmlns:netfx="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/NetFxExtension" >
<Bundle ...>
<PackageGroupRef Id="NetFx451Redist" />
<MsiPackage ... />
Below is what I used and it installs on win 7 and installs .net 4.5.1 and after removal of my install and reinstall does not call .net 4.5.1 install.
Using Ricks Example, I did this. However I had to include the define for NetFx451MinRelease. There is something I am missing, but for now it is working. Thanks Rick.
<?define NetFx451MinRelease = 378675 ?>
<util:RegistrySearchRef Id="NETFRAMEWORK45"/>
<ExePackage Id="Netfx451Full"
DisplayName="Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1"
InstallCommand="/passive /norestart"
DetectCondition="NETFRAMEWORK45 >= $(var.NetFx451MinRelease)" />