
We have a couple of simple apps that use the XPages mobile controls that no longer work on iOS 8 devices. Tapping on outline entries, dataview entries, buttons in the header, etc. doesn't seem to do anything. Tapping on a category to expand or collapse it in a categorized view is the only thing that seems to work. The apps are running on a Domino 9.0 server with the openntf essentials package installed. iOS 7 and Android devices work fine.

Anybody else having problems with the mobile controls and iOS 8?


3 Answers


I can confirm this problem with our apps that use the mobile controls as well. It seems to be an issue with Dojo 1.8 that is used by these controls. Debug on an iPad running iOS 8 reveals "Deprecated attempt to access property 'changedTouches' on a non-TouchEvent object." and "Typerror: Attempted to assign to readonly property." in Dojo.js:7956.

UPDATE: Got it working by copying Dojo 1.9.4 to the domino\js folder. Also had to add in the ibm and template folders into the dojo-1.9.4 folder. These were extracted from the xsp.dojo.jar file in the Domino\osgi\shared\eclipse\plugins\com.ibm.xsp.dojo_9.0.1.20140801-1000 folder. Then had to restart the server. Restarting http by itself doesn't work.


IBM has just released 9.0.1 Fix Pack 2 Interim Fix 1 which fixes SPR PALT9P8JDG "XPage Mobile Controls Fail On iOS 8". The technote has been updated accordingly.
