
I need to call addItemAndStartVerificationDataRequest to do Instant Account Verification using Yodlee IAV Rest APIs.

I am following this documentation and providing the data params that are given here: addItemAndStartVerificationDataRequest

But calling this APIs following the given documentation, I am getting this response from Yodlee APIs.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Errors xmlns="http://namespace.yodlee.com/pfm/2009/Error">

I have also visited this solution here but this is not helpful:

Error 415 from IAV Rest API - Get verbose error message

Any idea, how to go through this issue?


2 Answers


Are you passing all the required parameter? please verify the parameters listed here.

This exception can come in many scenarios.

one such scenario where you can get this exception is when cobSessionToken parameter is not passed.

Also are you following the correct flow?

The exception 415(Problem Updating Account) is different than the error you have listed here.


I have also encountered a 415 error. In my case, it was a special chars inserted and invisible on the editor. Sometimes copy and paste from browser and into the editor introduce this special chars.

please view the details of my experience here.

Yodlee REST API /authenticate/login returns 415 error