I know this is a newbie question, but I will ask it anyway because I couldn't find the answer. Here is the code I'm looking at.
LDI R15, 0x72 ;R15=114
LDI R16, 0x18 ;R16=24
ADD R16, R15 ;I know this causes signed overflow, but I'm not sure how avr handles this
;or if this number is unsigned
LDI R17, 0x91 ;R17=-111 if this is a signed number, which I assume it is.
ADD R17, R16 ;no idea what the value is because of previous unkowns.
I am basically trying to find what the SREG flags will be for this, but cannot due to the lack of understanding of the AVR. Please note that I don't have a microcontroller currently with me if not I would simply test to find the specified values.
Thanks for the help!