I'm trying to use the event aggregator to fire a method off of a model's view. The problem is, when I fire the update or save method for the ItemView
, it iterates through all models in the collection. How do I get it to not only fire properly for the model which the view represents (or a new modal in the save
method's case), but also prevent it from firing for every model in the collection?
This application consists of a collection of Items
, each Item
has a model which is rendered into an ItemView
and listed on the page. If a user clicks the edit
item icon, then a ModalView
is instantiated and the current Item
model data is injected into the ModalView
The ModalView
which gets loaded with a template for the respective task. For this instance, i'm loading a template to edit the Item
. Here's a summary of the relevant code:
var ModalView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: "section",
className: "modal",
events: {
'click .close': 'close',
'click .minimize': 'minimize',
'click .maximize': 'maximize',
'click .save-item': 'saveItem',
html: null,
initialize: function(options) {
this.template = _.template(ModalTemplate);
this.vent = options.vent;
saveItem: function() {
The item collection's view is here:
var ItemsView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'ul',
className: 'item-items',
render: function(){
var self = this;
// Make it flex GRRRR
this.collection.each(function(item) {
var date = item.get('created_at');
var itemView = new ItemView({ model: item, vent: App.vent });
}, this);
return this;
Finally, the item model's view which contains the edit method that fires the ModalView
var ItemView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'li',
className: 'item',
events: {
'click .edit-item': 'edit'
initialize: function(options) {
this.template = _.template(ItemTemplate);
options.vent.bind("item.save", this.save);
options.vent.bind("item.update", this.update);
save: function() {
var attributes, item;
item = new App.api.item.model();
attributes = getMeta(true);
.done(function(res) {
// Re-render items
App.routers.main.render.Item.items(function() {
.fail(function(res) {
update: function() {
console.log('update') // fires App.api.item.collection.length times
var attributes, item;
item = App.api.item.collection.get(App.rendered.modal.$el.data('id'));
attributes = getMeta();
.done(function(res) {
// Re-render items
App.routers.main.render.Item.items(function() {
.fail(function(res) {
edit: function() {
Ui.modal.new(ItemModalTemplate, this.model.attributes);
App.rendered.modal.$el.attr('data-id', this.model.get('_id'));
// New Editor
var editor = document.querySelector('#item-editor');
window.editor = new MediumEditor(editor, editorOptions);
Obviously I'm missing something fundamental here because console.log('update')
in the save
method of the ItemView
fires for every item in the collection. What I was trying to do was keep the logic for save
, and update
in the view for the Item
for organizational purposes.
Many thanks.