I have two kexts, built on the same machine with the same Xcode. When I try signing each kext with a kext enabled certificate from Apple on 10.9.5, one succeeds and gets a V2 certificate, the other fails - see below:
codesign -f -s "Developer ID Application: myCompanyname" kextname.kext/
kextname.kext/: replacing existing signature
kextname.kext/: main executable failed strict validation
When I print out code sign -dvvv it shows the signature is V2.
I compared the info.plist files for both of the kexts and also ensured that the required fields as specified by Apple are present. I am not using resource-rules in the codesign command but yet one of the two kexts is still failing.
I have searched forums/Google but have no idea what "strict validation" is, can anyone help?
tool has problems to replace the old V1 signatures?? I would try to sign newly built (unsigned) kext. – mity