I use prawn (1.0.0) and managed to got a table inside a table. Everything good so far. But the font size in the inner table is different (i guess the default font size) than the outside table.
pdf = Prawn::Document.new
table_data = []
table_data << ['iDirect', representation.idirect.yesno]
people = []
representation.people.each do |person|
person_fullname = "#{person.lastname} #{person.firstname}"
person_fullname_title = if person.title.empty?
"#{person_fullname}, #{person.title}"
people << [person.function, person_fullname_title]
table_data << ['Personen', people]
pdf.table table_data, cell_style: { size: 7, borders: [:bottom] }, column_widths: [90, 430]
I tried to override the default font size by using a constructor like
# this doesn't affect the font size in the inside table
pdf = Prawn::Document.new(:page_size => 'A4', :page_layout => :portrait, :size => 7)
How can i change the font size of the inside table?