I am breaking down the testing on this so that I have feature files for areas like Login, ResetPassword, ForgotPassword etc. Let's say I have the below example. I have an automation step creating a brand new user in CreateAccount.feature. That step is used multiple times within that Feature/Step Class without issue. But now I want the user to change their password so I create a new Feature File MyAccount.feature. When I copy the Given Statement in, it is found immediately. Then I add the code to click the reset password and continue on with the rest of the steps.
When I run the ResetPassword test, the automation creates the new user but when it get's to step 2, "When I Click Reset Password" it fails because it can't find the element. Since bindings are global, this strikes me odd. So what I did was take step "Given I have created my account" and renamed it and added to the other feature file/steps class and ran it again. It worked fine.
I am not sure why I can't share between steps. Any ideas?
Some updates showing more code...
scenario: Feature Create Account
Given I have created my account
namespace Project
public class CreateAccount: BaseTestObject
public void Given_I_have_created_my_account()
ConfigProperties.Environment = "Test";
TestDriver.goToUrl(ConfigProperties.StartUrl + "Create/Account");
[followed by input for creating a user acct]
scenario: Feature Change Password
Given I have created my account
When I Click Reset Password
namespace Project
public class MyAccountSteps: BaseTestObject
public void When_I_click_Reset_Password()
[followed by rest of steps to change password]
namespace Project
public class BaseTestObject
private IWebDriver seleniumDriver;
private IDriver testDriver;
public virtual void Setup()
public void CleanUp()
if (seleniumDriver != null)
seleniumDriver = null;
public IWebDriver SeleniumDriver
if (seleniumDriver == null)
seleniumDriver = GetDriver();
return seleniumDriver;
public IDriver TestDriver
if (testDriver == null)
testDriver = new UiDriver(SeleniumDriver);
return testDriver;
public CurrentPageObjectScope On
return new CurrentPageObjectScope(TestDriver);
public static String GetTimestamp()
return DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmssfff");
public static String GetTimestamp2()
return DateTime.Now.ToString("M/d/yyyy");
private IWebDriver GetDriver()
switch (ConfigProperties.Browser.ToLower())
case "firefox":
return new FirefoxDriver();
case "chrome":
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
ChromeDriverService service = ChromeDriverService.CreateDefaultService(@"../Chrome/");
service.SuppressInitialDiagnosticInformation = true;
service.HideCommandPromptWindow = true;
return new ChromeDriver(service, options);
case "ie":
case "internetexplorer":
return new InternetExplorerDriver(@"../IE/");
throw new NotImplementedException("Unknown browser string in Config properties " + ConfigProperties.Browser);
) for each scenario so any objects that they use may be different – Sam Holder