I'm trying to setup a cronjob for a regularly scheduled import of json data into a mongo database. To conduct the import, I have the following command in the Python script that the cronjob runs:
os.system("mongoimport --jsonArray --db %s --collection %s --file .../data.txt" %(db_name,collection_name))
However, the log file of the cronjob keeps displaying the following error:
sh: mongoimport: command not found
I think I need to call mongoimport with the full file path in the code, but I'm not sure where mongodb/mongod/mongoimport is installed on my system. whereis mongoimport, whereis mongodb, whereis mongod all return nothing.
I installed mongodb with Homebrew. Packages installed with Homebrew are located in /Library/Caches/Homebrew. However, in my system that folder only has a mongodb-2.6.4_1 tar file. Do I have to unpack this tar file to access mongoimport?
Thanks for your help.
command works? – Ravi