I have recently had an app rejected by Apple and when i attempted to make changes, my Main.storyboard was missing. I managed to delete the current reference and add an older version. After some tweaking, I restored the storyboard. (ALWAYS HAVE BACKUPS, KIDS)
I tried to run the new version, XCode could not find the first ViewController.
2014-09-13 22:18:42.453 Pong![1313:60b] Failed to instantiate the default view controller for UIMainStoryboardFile 'Main' - perhaps the designated entry point is not set? Terminating in response to SpringBoard's termination.
I have checked the box "Is initial ViewController" but to no avail.
Project Navigator
pane at the top left, then click on the general tab and see that theMain interface
has the same name written as the new storyboar name. β Pavan