I am working on a big project with a lot of forms using BDE and ODBC to connect to MySQL Database.
I can compile it in Delphi 2009 and it works fine. When i compile it in Delphi 2010, nothing works because TQuery can not pass parameter values correctly.
Here is an example :
txtUsername.Text = 'Admin';
Query1.SQL.Text = 'Select Count(*) From Tbl_User where Username = :username';
Query1.ParamByName('username').AsString = txtUsername.Text;
The SQL will be sent to MySQL , looks like this :
Select Count(*) From Tbl_User where Username = 'A'
Only first character of parameter will be sent to the server : 'A' instead of 'Admin'
But if i use
Query1.ParamByName('username').AsAnsiString , then
it will works fine and parameter will be sent completely:
Select Count(*) From Tbl_User where Username = 'Admin'
There are huge number of TQuery and TTable in project and its not possible to change all calls of AsString to AsAnsiString.
Is there any solution for this? any settings to make it working fine? probably by making it to use Ansi as default instead of Unicode?
I tried finding some setting in compiling option, and changing ODBC parameters but none of them worked.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks