I'm working app that uses Libgdx engine and decals in 3d space. Now I need to rotate decals around X,Y,Z axis, but around custom pivot point that stands somewhere in the 3d space.
I found that decals have transformationOffset field, which might work with some calculations, but is Vector2 only. It means that I can move pivot point only over X and Y axis. And when rotating decals over Y axis, wherever the pivot is, the result is the same.
decal.transformationOffset = new Vector2(0, -5);
I need to move pivot over Z axis, too.
Is there some workaround for this issue?
I have succeded to rotate decal over pivot point in 3d space, but only if pivot's and decals's Z position is the same. If they are not I don't get what I've expected.
This is the code that works for pivot with same Z value:
decal.transformationOffset = new Vector2(pivotPosition.x - decal.getPosition().x, pivotPosition.y - decal.getPosition().y);
Tween.to(decal, DecalTween.XYZ_ROTATION, 5f).target(0, 360, 0).repeatYoyo(Tween.INFINITY, 0f).start(tweenManager);
And in tween I do this:
How to extend this to use and Z value for pivot. I'm trying to add and translation animation beside rotate to achive this, but the results is weird.
Tween.to(decal, DecalTween.MOVE_XYZ, 2.5f).target(decal.getPosition().x, decal.getPosition().y, pivotPosition.z - decal.getPosition().z).repeatYoyo(Tween.INFINITY, 0f).start(tweenManager);
decal.transformationOffset = new Vector2(pivotPosition.x - decal.getPosition().x, pivotPosition.y - decal.getPosition().y);
Tween.to(decal, DecalTween.XYZ_ROTATION, 5f).target(0, 360, 0).repeatYoyo(Tween.INFINITY, 0f).start(tweenManager);
Any idea how to combine translate and rotate animatio to get decal rotation in circle path over the pivot point?