Let's say I have a Customer Window showing information about a customer, like Name, address and phone number. On the bottom there is a DataGrid of their orders. Of course the Customer has an Orders property, so if you're using MVVM, you would just set:
ItemsSource = "{Binding Customer.Orders}"
However, now let's say that the data grid is now part of a user control, which also includes controls for editing/adding/removing Orders. I want to use this same set of controls in multiple places, and I would like all the logic for editing/adding/removing Order objects to be encapsulated in the user control. And because I want to use commands, rather than event handlers, I would like the user control to have its own view model.
So now the question is: how do I pass the orders from the Customer view model to the Orders user control's view model? Because the Orders user control will be bound to a view model, I can't say:
<local:OrdersUserControl DataContext="{Binding Customer.Orders}" />
because the user control has it's own view model. It would expect to see Customer.Orders there, and of course it's not.
I guess this is kind of a chicken or the egg situation.
Your help is always appreciated.