
I am working with Office 365 and the Sharepoint 2013 APIs. I am using Azure AD to authenticate a user and have a test application setup inside AAD that has all the delegated permissions set to enabled in the configure tab for Sharepoint 2013. I am making these calls from a native android application and have been able to successfully authenticate with Microsoft's ADAL(ActiveDirectoryAuthenticationLibrary) using this oauth authority url: https://login.windows.net//oauth2/token?api-version=1.0. I then access my test share point site and get back a list with https:////_api/Web/Lists?getByTitle('')/Items using the Oauth token that I received from back from using ADAL. That all works well and fine, but when I try to access the Social APIs with the same token process I get a 401 Unauthorized. The url that I am using to get the current users information is: https:////_api/social.following/my. What am I doing wrong that is causing the lists api work and the social api to fail? Any help is greatly appreciated!


1 Answers


Are you requesting a new token for the resource before calling that resource?

The ADAL library must acquire a new Access token for each resource you are requesting. Our library automatically does the redemption of the refresh token for the new Access token if you call acquireToken() using the new resource endpoint. This is hinted at in the API docuemtation.


mAuthContext = new AuthenticationContext(ToDoActivity.this, Constants.AUTHORITY_URL,
mAuthContext.acquireToken(activity, resource, clientId, redirectUri, loginHint, prompt, extraQueryParameters, callback)

//do work with the token
// now get token for new_resource

mAuthContext.acquireToken(activity, new_resource, clientId, redirectUri, loginHint, prompt, extraQueryParameters, callback)

You can use an example here which will help you see how this can be done: https://github.com/AzureADSamples/NativeClient-Android