  1. I want to have some url for my infopath form and give that link to user instead of going to form library and click new...how is it possible?

  2. Also when I created Infopath form I have given some text fields and button, I don't want the Infopath services buttons(Save,save as...) how I cna remove those?

Any suggestions would really be appreciated...Thanks

I found the answer of my second problem ...Tools->Form options->uncheck show toolbar at top and bottomAB.

2 Answers


You can publish an InfoPath form to a network share and give your users a link to it (or use a file:// url on a webpage). Another option is to figure out the URL to the form within form services (whats the actual URL when they click on the new button) and send out that link as the official URL. Both options have advantages (and disadvantages) so make sure to evaluate them both with respect to what you are trying to accomplish and the environment (ie - are you just trying to save your users a click or is there some other reason you need the 'new' URL).