
So I want to create a method in my model class (I'm using a DetailView for the view) that returns a pre-approved set of field values and user friendly names that I can call in my template. This method has to check if the field values aren't the default field values for each approved field in the model and then return a list with the field value/name pairs to my template.

The problem is that I can't find a way of extracting field.value() and field.default as shown in my psuedocode below:

def displayFields(self):
    approvedFields = [  ('field1','Field One'),
                        ('field2','Field Two'),
                        ('field3','Field Three')
    resultFieldPairs = []
    for fieldName in approvedFields:
        field = self._meta.get_field_by_name(fieldName[0])
        if field.value() != field.default:
            resultFieldPairs.append(tuple([fieldName[1], field.value()]))
    return resultFieldPairs

I can see from the errors I'm getting that self._meta.get_field_by_name() returns a RelatedObject, but the Django docs don't seem to be clear on this object's attributes and methods.

Please help.

What do expect to get from field.value() do you mean getattr(self, field.name)Stuart Leigh
Yeah, I just didn't know what the actual code was :Puser2667898

1 Answers


I don't know how good it is to address the internal _meta attribute, normally it's not recommended, BUT - you can use


notice the [0] because get_field_by_name returns a tuple in Django 1.6 with first element as the field object itself.

To get the value of this field for this instance, use: getattr(self, fieldName[0])

So the code would look like:

for fieldName in approvedFields:
        field = getattr(self, fieldName[0])
        if field != self._meta.get_field_by_name(fieldName[0]).default:
            resultFieldPairs.append(tuple([fieldName[1], field]))