
I am creating push notification for Android & IOS by using Worklight. If the user manually changes the push notification settings in mobile, how to get the action/value in worklight.

When the user switch-on/off the notification then how to handle the action in Worklight?

Any code help please share.


1 Answers


You can get the state of these controls, at least in the case of iOS, by querying UIApplication > enabledRemoteNotificationTypes (you will likely need to create a Cordova plug-in to access this using Objective-C).

In Android I do not believe such granularity exists out of the box.

There is nothing to handle here, IMO. If a user chose to not receive notifications for the application or receive them as an alert instead of a notification or only as a sound - that is his or hers prerogative. You shouldn't do anything about it.