I am trying to use Application.Match to delete a series of lines from a spreadsheet before using the remaining lines to edit an existing spreadsheet. Here is the code that I am using, which gives me a Type Mismatch error. I have used similar logic with smaller datasets previously and not had a problem:
If IsError(Application.Match(Fund_Inv_Cusip_Change(LineNumber), Fund_Inv_Cusips_to_Edit, 0)) Then
If DeletionRange Is Nothing Then
Set DeletionRange = Cells(Override_Workbook_Line + 3, 1).EntireRow
Set DeletionRange = Union(DeletionRange, Cells(Override_Workbook_Line + 3, 1).EntireRow)
End If
End If
Next LineNumber
DeletionRange.Delete Shift:=xlUp
Set DeletionRange = Nothing
Fund_Inv_Cusips_to_Edit is declared an array with 66,124 entries, declared as a string. FUnd_Inv_Cusip_Change is an array with 3329 entries, declared as a string. Using print(typename(fund_inv_cusips_to_edit()) in the Immediate window returns String() for each array, so I'm not certain why this is a type mismatch.
Any help would be much appreciated. I have read through a lot of posts on this board and others and not seen something that directly addresses this issue. Thank you!
– David Zemens