
OSX Mavericks 10.9.4, Mono 2.10.12, MonoDevelop 3.1.1

No matter what I do, I can't get the mnemonic underline on my (text) button to show (even when I keep Alt/Command pressed). Here's what I tried:

  • Using MonoDevelop's Stetic GUI designer with an underscore in the label (e.g. _test) and enabling UseUnderline
  • Creating the button manually with Button.NewWithMnemonic
  • Creating the button's label manually and setting its TextWithMnemonic
  • Setting gtk-enable-mnemonics = 1 and gtk-auto-mnemonics = 0 in/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc (there wasn't any gtkrc/.gtkrc/.gtkrc=2.0 file in my home folder)
  • Switching my entire GTK theme (link)

In all my attempts the button shows and works fine, and the underscore is "swallowed" as expected (i.e. it shows test and not _test) but the underline doesn't show and the accelerator doesn't work. If I add the accelerator explicitly with AddAccelerator it works, but still no underline.

Mono 2.x and MonoDevelop 3.x are seriously outdated, have you tried using the latest versions (i.e. Mono 3.8 and MonoDevelop 5.4) ?Alexander Köplinger
@AlexanderKöplinger no, I am constrained to use 2.XOhad Schneider
Why are you constrained to 2.x?jstedfast
@jstedfast an existing program requires it. I saw the parallel environments page (mono-project.com/docs/compiling-mono/parallel-mono-environments), but it looks like more work than writing the entire small program I need.Ohad Schneider

1 Answers


Make sure there isn't already another widget with the same mnemonic in your window.