I got this script from a blog and modified it to suit my environment. However I am having problems iterating through the foreach loop and getting the service status or the remote computers ($unregisteredVM).
It seems as if the Get-Service was trying to query the computer executing the script instead of the remote computers.
Also I tried running the portion of the script which grabs the status of the computer and set that variable as the -Computername parameter and it doesn't seem to take it.
$icaservicestate = Get-Service PorticaService -ComputerName $unregisteredVM | select status
What am i missing? Below is the entire code.
##Load Citrix Modules
asnp Citrix.*
#Variables for email
[string[]]$recipients = "[email protected]"
$fromEmail = "[email protected]"
$server = "itopia-us.mail.protection.outlook.com"
$date= Get-Date
##Check for VMs on and unregistered
$unregisteredVMs = Get-BrokerDesktop -RegistrationState Unregistered | Select MachineName
[string]$emailVMs = Get-BrokerDesktop -RegistrationState Unregistered | Select MachineName | ft -wrap -autosize | Out-String
IF (!$unregisteredVMs) {
##Send all clear email
[string]$emailBody = "There were no powered on desktops in an unregistered state."
send-mailmessage -from $fromEmail -to $recipients -subject " XenDesktop Daily Check - $date" -body $emailBody -priority High -smtpServer $server
Else {
##If powered-on and unregistered, perform a forceful restart
foreach ($unregisteredVM in $unregisteredVMs)
$icaservicestate = Get-Service PorticaService -ComputerName $unregisteredVM | select status
IF ($icaservicestate = Stopped) {
Set-Service -Name PorticaService -Status Running
Else {
sc \\$unregisteredVM start PorticaService
#Write-Host "Hello, I am unregistered: $unregisteredVM"
#Send an email report of VMs to be restarted due to being in an unregistered state
[string]$emailBody = "The following desktops were forcefully restarted due to not registering with the DDCs in a timely manner. `n $emailVMs"
send-mailmessage -from $fromEmail -to $recipients -subject " XenDesktop Daily Check - $date" -body $emailBody -priority High -smtpServer $server
$unregisteredVMs = Get-BrokerDesktop -RegistrationState Unregistered | Select MachineName
try$unregisteredVMs = Get-BrokerDesktop -RegistrationState Unregistered | Select -ExpandProperty MachineName
– Matt$unregisteredVMs
? It should just be a list of machine names in which case it should work. Is it possible that service is not running? – Matt$unregisteredVMs
to see if it looks as its supposed to. – Matt