I'm trying to implement polygon triangulation using the widely known 2-pass sweep line algorithm that subdivides the polygon into monotone subcomponents in the first sweep line pass, then triangulates these monotone components in a second pass. My current implementation works for the general case, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to adapt it to deal with inputs containing multiple coincident edge segments (segments with equal x-coordinates when sweeping left-to-right, or equal y-coordinates when sweeping right-to-left).
Edit: I just realized that the way I framed this question makes it quite long and verbose, so here's a quick TL;DR; for anyone who knows about polygonal triangulation but doesn't feel like reading the whole thing: is the following shape a valid input for the 2nd pass of the triangulation algorithm? If yes: how to adapt the second pass to handle it, if no: how do I adapt the 1st pass such that it produces monotone subcomponents that can be fed into the 2nd pass:
Long version of the question below this point ;-)
A very quick rundown of the algorithm:
The first pass subdivides the input polygon into 'monotone subcomponents'. A monotone subcomponent is a polygon can be split into 2 connected chains that have coordinates that are either sorted left-to-right (when the algorithm is implemented using a vertical sweep line), or top-to-bottom (when using a horizontal sweep line). Let's assume we use a vertical sweep line: each monotone subcomponent can then be split into an upper chain, and a lower chain, connected at the minimum and maximum x-coordinates, and when scanning the vertices of either chain, the x-coordinates are increasing. If the subcomponent is strictly monontone, the upper and lower chains can not have edge segments with identical x-coordinates (ie: vertical edge segments).
The second pass sweeps the monotone subcomponents and subdivides them into triangles by adding internal edges. The idea is that each subcomponent is swept left-to-right, and at each vertex hit by the sweep line, one of 2 things can happen: a) the untriangulated area to the left of the sweep line can be triangulated by adding diagonals, or b) the current vertex cannot 'see' any of the previously swept, but unprocessed vertices in the untriangulated area to the left of the sweep line. In case b) the vertex is pushed to a stack (the 'reflex chain'), and by construction, at some point case a) will occur, and the vertices of the reflex chain will be popped one-by-one and connected with diagonals to the last sweep line vertex.
The above description lacks some details, but I would assume anyone who knows how to answer my question already understands the algorithm so I won't go into more detail here.
The problem I have is the following: suppose I have a polygon representing an arrow that points left, for example like this:
When I enter this shape into my algorithm, the monotone subdivision pass leaves the shape untouched: there are vertical edges in it, so it's not strictly monotone, but it is monotone, and as far as I understand the algorithm, it does not have to be subdivided before you can triangulate it (maybe this is where I go wrong because my assumption is bad).
Now suppose I feed the (unmodified) arrow polygon into the 2nd pass to triangulate it. How do I deal with the 2 vertical edge segments in the base of the arrow head? The sweep line algorithm requires the vertices of the polygon to be sorted left to right, so you would assume the answer would come down to how to sort vertices with the same x-coordinates (e.g. in chain order, or on y-coordinate, or on polygon boundary index), but whatever sorting I use, the triangulation will always fail.
Let's call the leftmost vertex vertex 0, and order the vertices in counter-clockwise order. This means the 4 vertices of the base of the arrow head are vertices 1, 2, 5 and 6. We have three sorting options:
Some of the source material I used to implement the algorithm says 'sort vertices with equal x coordinates on increasing y coordinates', ie: 1, 2, 5, 6. If I do this and sweep them, the first triangle comes out ok (0, 1, 2), but after that the algorithm will add an edge (5, 2), which creates a 4-vertex component (0, 2, 5, 6). No edge (0, 5) is added, because the triangulation algorithm prescribes adding edges to all previous untriangulated vertices on the reflex chain except the first (changing this would break the general case). While the polygon region bounded by the 4 vertices is triangular in shape, it's obviously not a triangle because it has 4 points, and it's also not a valid polygon by most definitions because it has collinear edges.
Another paper I read says 'break ties such that the chain order is preserved'. This would mean the 4 vertices in my example would be sorted 1, 2, 6, 5, since both the lower and upper chain run left-to-right. If I sweep them in this order I again get a triangle (0, 1, 2), but the next vertex scanned (6), will create a polygon (0, 1, 6), which is even worse then the first case because it creates an edge (1, 6) which runs over vertex 5 but doesn't contain it. Sweeping vertex 5 will completely mess up the state of the algorithm because it will create a degenerate triangle (1, 5, 6), a line, and sweeping the tail vertices will fail to triangulate the remainder of the polygon
Sorting in original polygon vertex order (along boundary, counter-clockwise): in this case this would yield the same result as case 1), ie: 1, 2 5, 6, which has already been shown to fail.
I'm starting to think that maybe an arrow shape like this should either be considered non-monotone, or (even though I have never seen this mentioned in any description of the algorithm) the monotone triangulation algorithm requires inputs to be strictly monotone. Could this be the thing I'm missing? And if yes, how would I need to adapt the monotone subdivision pass to deal with (multiple, coincident) vertical edge segments? The source material I used classifies all vertices as 'start', 'end', 'merge', 'split' or 'regular' (lower/upper) during subdivision, but in case of a vertical segment, these classifications are ambiguous: according to the definition of these vertex classes, a vertex part of a vertical segment could considered to be a start/end vertex, but also a split or merge vertex. Or maybe I do have to sort the 4 vertices on their y-coordinates, then create an invalid 4-vertex triangle component with 2 collinear edges, and then 'fix it up' afterwards by removing the vertex on the collinear edges?
The main source I used to implement the algorithm is the original GJPT-78 paper that introduced the triangulation algorithm, it's not publicly available (paywall), so I can't link it here, but lots of CS course material is available online that describes the algorithm, I also used these for example:
http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~suri/cs235/Triangulation.pdf https://www.cs.umd.edu/class/spring2012/cmsc754/Lects/cmsc754-lects.pdf (see 'Lecture 6' chapter)
I've read quite a few more of these. Almost every set of slides, paper, blog, or whatever other description of the algorithm specifically mentions vertices with equal x-coordinates (or y-coordinates if using a horizontal sweep line), but they all just say 'we assume no equal x-coordinates' and that this restriction is 'easily fixed and only serves to simplify representation' or 'not fundamental to the algorithm' or whatever. Strangely none of them cares to elaborate on the required changes or workarounds to support this case, or they contain some fuzzy statement about sorting equal x-vertices in some way that in practice does not fix the problem.
Maybe I'm just a little stupid or missing something really obvious, but I've been messing around trying to fix this corner case for days now without result, and it's starting to get really frustrating. I had assumed implementing the algorithm for the basic case (which involves writing a DCEL data structure, a sweep line algorithm, a sorted edge map, the trigonometry required to determine interior angles and visibility, data structures to efficiently store and lookup vertex classifications, etc) would be almost all of the work, and fixing the vertical edge problem afterwards would be trivial. Right now I spent more time trying to fix the vertical edges, than on all of the other stuff I needed to get the algorithm working for the general case combined (it works perfectly for any polygon I throw at it, as long as it doesn't have vertical edges).
Thanks! Wouter