I am using Stata 13 and I have a balanced panel dataset (t=Year
and i=Individual
denoted by Year
and IndvID
respectively) and the following econometric model
Y = b1*var1 + b2*var2 + b3*var1*var2 + b4*var4 + fe + epsilon
am estimating the following fixed-effects regression with year dummies and a linear time trend
xi: xtreg Y var1 var2 c.var1#c.var2 var3 i.Year i.IndvID|Year, fe vce(cluster IndvID)
(all variables are continuous except for dummies being created by i.Year
and i.IndvID|Year
I want Stata to derive/report the overall marginal effect of var1
and var2
on the outcome Y
dY/dvar1 = b1 + b3*var2
dY/dvar2 = b2 + b3*var1
Because I estimate the fixed-effect regression using robust standard errors, I want to make sure the marginal effect are being computed taking into account the same heterogeneity that the clustered standard errors correct for. My understanding is that this can be achieved using the
option of the margins command. However, after running the above regression, when I run the command
margins, dydx(var1) vce(unconditional)
I get the following error:
xtreg is not supported by margins with the vce(unconditional) option
Am I missing something obvious here or am I not going about this correctly? How can I cluster standard errors for margin estimates computed for Stata rather than using the Delta Method default, which doesn't correct for this?
Thanks in advance,