I have the following trace :
In the wireshark preferences I have the following option set to Off :
In TCP Prefs : Allow subdissector to reassemble TCP streams
In SIP prefs : Reassemble sIP headers spanning multiple TCP segments
In SIP prefs : Reassemble sIP bodies spanning multiple TCP segments
I am trying to analyze this trace with the tshark command given below. But in the output I am not shown any packets even though the packets are there in the trace :
[rishabh@pc Test]$tshark -T fields -E header=y -e ip.src -e tcp.srcport -e ip.dst -e tcp.dstport -R "sip.Status-Code eq 500" -r "4.cap"
ip.src tcp.srcport ip.dst tcp.dstport
[rishabh@pc Test]$
How do i modify the filter to capture the highlighted packet?
I found out that if I switch on all of the above wireshark options the TCP packets are shown as :
Maybe tshark allows reassembly by default and thus it is not able to filter the packet as a SIP message. Also I am able to capture the data with the tshark filter : "tcp contains '500 Responder'"
But I need to filter it as a sip status code only. How do I achieve this?
Note that the SIP status code is indeed 500, so the initial filter should work.