When using jQuery's .trigger('dragstart') to fire off a function on an element with the attribute ondragstart="drag(event)" , how do you .setData/.getData for HTML5's drag and drop on touch device?**
Example flow:
- User drags element with touchmove event
- element the two following attributes:
- .bind('touchmove', function(event){$(this).trigger('dragstart');});
- ondragstart="drag(event)"
- the drag(event) attempts to use event.dataTransfer.setData("Text", event.target.id);
- the result is the following error.
- "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'setData' of undefined"
For mouse event ondragstart, .setData/.getData call in the drag(event) function works fine. However, when firing the ondragstart via .trigger() the .setData/.getData methods do not work properly and an error is returned
Why do I get the following error when attempting to drag an order; and how do I fix it?**
"Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'setData' of undefined"
Please refrain from directing towards using a .js library such as TouchPunch etc.
I'm trying to bind the 'touchmove' event to fire off the drag(event) and provide the same .setData/.getData functionality that is available for the mouse drag triggered event.
--->jsFiddle Link <---
<div class="l-col-container">
<section id="1130" class="orderqueue">
<h1>Order Queue</h1>
<div class="orderList">
<div id="100" class="order" timeslot="1130" ordernumber="100" draggable="true" ondragstart="drag(event)">
<div class="order-name">Johnny Cash</div>
<div class="order-num">Order Number: 100</div>
<!-- /order -->
<div id="101" class="order" timeslot="1130" ordernumber="101" draggable="true" ondragstart="drag(event);">
<div class="order-num">101</div>
<div class="order-name">Johnny Cash</div>
<!-- /order -->
<!-- /orderlist -->
<div class="queuebar">
<h2>Queue Bar</h2>
<div class="queuebar-dropzone"></div>
<div id="testsensor">
<h2>Test Log</h2>
<p id="testsensor-output"></p>
<!-- /l-col-container -->
var orders = $('.order');
var testelement = document.getElementById('testsensor-output');
var index = 0;
orders.each(function () {
$(this).bind('touchmove', function (evt) {
testelement.innerHTML = index + ' dragstart fired';
console.log('dragstart fired');
$(this).bind('dragstart', function(event){
function drag(ev) {
var obj = $('#' + ev.target.id);
ev.dataTransfer.setData("Text", ev.target.id);
var data = ev.dataTransfer.getData("Text");