I have a problem, I'm new to Arduino and I'm totally a beginner.
I bought a SIM900 Quad-band GSM / GPRS Shield for Arduino (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=221176159800&ssPageName=ADME:X:RTQ:US:1123) and I have two problems. (I use the test code that is found in the library)
First the device does not read every message, but only a few. one read and then 3 does not, then 2 read and then 4 do not read .....
Second I do not know how to connect to xively, no examples. I know how to connect and send data via an ethernet shield, but with SIM900 Quad-band GSM / GPRS Shield do not know how.
I download the library from http://www.gsmlib.org/download.html and fix the first problem with sms.
but I do not find a solution to the second problem, and I can not find and I need a simple example to send data to xively.
So if anyone can help I would be grateful