I started akka system with HelloActor in one JVM and trying to send messages to it from client in another JVM. And nothing works. How I should do that correctly? Here is the code:
Simple Server
package akkaSample.severalSystems
import akka.actor.{Props, Actor, ActorSystem}
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
class HelloActor extends Actor {
override def preStart(): Unit = {
println("Hello actor started")
def receive = {
case "mew" => println("I said mew")
case "hello" => println("hello back at you")
case "shutdown" => context.stop(self)
case _ => println("huh?")
object Server extends App {
val root = ConfigFactory.load()
val one = root.getConfig("systemOne")
val system = ActorSystem("HelloSystem", one)
val helloActor = system.actorOf(Props[HelloActor], "HelloActor")
println (system)
println("Remote application started.")
Simple Client
package akkaSample.severalSystems.client
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import scala.util.control.Breaks._
class Client {
object Client extends App {
val root = ConfigFactory.load()
val two = root.getConfig("systemTwo")
val system = ActorSystem("mySystem", two)
//What should be there to access HelloActor?
val selection = ...
selection ! "mew"
configuration file
systemOne {
akka {
remote {
enabled-transports = ["akka.remote.netty.tcp"]
netty.tcp {
port = 2552
systemTwo {
akka {
remote {
enabled-transports = ["akka.remote.netty.tcp"]
netty.tcp {
port = 2553
It assume that Server starts before Client. Now I receive "akka://mySystem/deadLetters" (println(selection.anchorPath)
) when try to get actor like that system.actorSelection("akka://[email protected]:2552/HelloActor")
So how to retreive actor from ActorSystem in another JVM? Or it is not possible until I create a cluster, appoint seeds, leader and so on?