I am going to convert h.264 stream data to .mp4 using ffmpeg
SPS NALU:67 64 00 1F AC 56 50 20 06 1A 6E 04 04 04 0D A0 88 46 58
PPS NALU:28 EE 37 27
I made raw file using these above NALUs as follows:
|0x 00 00 00 01 | SPS | 0x 00 00 01 | PPS | frame data | 0x 00 00 01|
my raw file is here : https://www.dropbox.com/s/gc9s9mll6ev9aoq/sps_pps_payload?dl=0
and frame data it self: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ibs7io0aprpo66e/packet1?dl=0
using following command at ffmpeg:
ffmpeg.exe -f h264 -i RawInputFile -vcodec copy -r 25 OutPutFilename.mp4
But it always gives: missing picture in access unit with size XXXXX
no frame!
decoding for stream 0 failed
Could not find codec parameters for stream 0 : unspecified size
Where am i wrong?