
Have a nice day. I try to create a aspx file that generate html table with data from DB. Html table contane 4 columns (first - number of rows, second column contain same value in rows, so i use rowspan() to join rows, third some value, fourth column - button)

Create table

foreach (var group in grouped)
                   int k = 1;

                   Response.Write("<tr><td rowspan=" + group.Count().ToString() + "\">" + j + "</td>");
                   Response.Write("<td rowspan=" + group.Count().ToString() + "\">" + group.Key.ToString() + "</td>");
                    foreach (var innerlist in group)
                       if (k == 1)
                           Response.Write("<td>" + innerlist[0] + "</td>" );                  

                       if (k != 1)
                           Response.Write("<tr>" + "<td>" + innerlist[0] + "</td>" );
                       Response.Write("<td > <button id=\"some_id1\" onserverclick=\"doit\" runat="server" >  кнопка </button> </td> </tr>"); 


in script section i create

<script runat="server">
protected void doit(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            ViewState["count"] = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["count"]) + 1;
            Span1.InnerHtml = "You clicked Button1 " + ViewState["count"].ToString();


When i click on button in html nothing happend, whats wrong? ViewState contains in Page_Load (see below)

Read data from DB i try add to Page_Load, but array_list_result not available in the tag body. How to fix it?

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

            if (!IsPostBack)
                ViewState["Count"] = 0;

                List<List<string>> array_list_result = new List<List<string>>();
                DataObjectList LotPhisParam = Session.Land_LotPhisParameters.Query("<Object/>", "ObjectID <> '' AND ObjectID IS NOT NULL");
                // LotPhisParam.ToArray().GroupBy;
                for (Int32 i = 0; i < LotPhisParam.Count; i++)
                    List<string> temp_string = new List<string> { LotPhisParam[i].Id.ToString(), LotPhisParam[i].GetLink("Object").Id.ToString() };

                    // LotPhisParam[i].Delete();
                    // Session.Commit();



1 Answers


Its better you write your tags to a parent html element. Say a div that you can access from the server side.

Don't use Response.Write