I'm trying to read data from a photocell resistor and my Arduino Decimila and then graph it in real-time with Processing.
Should be painfully simple; but its growing into a little bit of a nightmare for me.
code I'm running on my Arduino:
int photoPin;
void setup(){
photoPin = 0;
Serial.begin( 9600 );
void loop(){
int val = int( map( analogRead( photoPin ), 0, 1023, 0, 254 ) );
Serial.println( val ); //sending data over Serial
code I'm running in Processing:
import processing.serial.*;
Serial photocell;
int[] yvals;
void setup(){
size( 300, 150 );
photocell = new Serial( this, Serial.list()[0], 9600 );
photocell.bufferUntil( 10 );
yvals = new int[width];
void draw(){
background( 0 );
for( int i = 1; i < width; i++ ){
yvals[i - 1] = yvals[i];
if( photocell.available() > 0 ){
yvals[width - 1] = photocell.read();
for( int i = 1; i < width; i++ ){
stroke( #ff0000 );
line( i, yvals[i], i, height );
println( photocell.read() ); // for debugging
I've tested both bits of code separately and I know that they work. It's only when I try to have the input from the Arduino going to Processing that the problems start.
When I view the data in Arduino's "Serial Monitor", I get a nice constant flow of data that seems to look valid.
But when I read that same data through Processing, I get a repeating pattern of random values.