
I am trying to test producer flow control with non-persistent topics for activemq 5.10. I have disabled producer flow control and want to see whether System usage flow control will kick in when system usage limits are reached.

But even when persistent store is used 100% then also producer is not stopped from publishing.

What can be the possible reason?


Is there a consumer on the other end? Are there durable subscriptions? What are the conditions of the test, without those no answer is possible.Tim Bish
I tried with and without consumer. When I used consumer I make durable subscription and then closed consumer so that its message will remain with broker.learner
@TimBish can you please guide me on how to test these features?learner

1 Answers


You need to first understand the difference between Topics and Queues. For a normal topic with no consumers no messages are retained, they just get tossed out as the publish subscribe model only cares about connected consumers. Even when you send a messages as persistent it's meaningless as the Topic does not persist messages unless there is a registered durable consumer that is offline.

In the case of the offline durable consumer there would be no producer flow control until such time as you hit the store limit as messages are written to disk and not stored in memory.