
I move my symfony2 app on the new serwer. But in my new serwer display only one error (on app.php and app_dev.php) :

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 3002456313 bytes) in .../vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Yaml/Unescaper.php on line 56

I dont find any problem like this in google. I try to solve this problem for two days.

I'd guess that PHP is trying to allocate more memory then is allowed by the PHP config. Try and see if you can make more RAM available.EWit
But 3002456313 bytes = 2.79 gigabytes. This is simple app in my first server this app usage only 22mb memory. Sory for my english, i know, not is good. I cant make more RAM unfortunatelyTomasz Kowalczyk
Exactly, and allowed is 134217728B which is 128M. However, if you say this is some simple app that should be quite enough. Maybe it's a bug within Yaml - did you try composer update?Jovan Perovic
I update, but without effectTomasz Kowalczyk
Btw, which version of Symfony2 do you have installed?Jovan Perovic

1 Answers


Seems to be something about Doctrine (in fact, pretty sure). Are you managing a big set of entities? This means that you are loading a huge collection of entities (maybe a xtomany relation) and you are loading full collection into the memory.

Could you revise if is something about this?