We have a premium Google Analytics account, which will give us access to row level event data. This data is exported daily to Google Bigquery and for every day a new table will be created in a data set.
Until a week ago we were able to export this Google Analytics data to CSV by flattening it to a temp staging table and then export it to CSV. The query we used to do so was like this:
Yesterday I noticed this query will now throw an error:
Cannot output multiple independently repeated fields at the same time. Found customDimensions_value and hits_product_productSKU
Apparently something has changed regarding the flatten() function, as hits_product_productSKU is child of the hits field.
I also tried some old queries which were in the query history, but they're broken as well. There is no release note mentioning any change, so what is happening?
How can I export everything in the Google Analytics BigQuery export files again?