I'm using audiorecorder to record sound and do some processing in pseudorealtime on android phone. i'm facing a problem between FFT and convolution of audio signal: I perform FFT on a known signal(a sine waveform), and i correctly always find the single tone contained in it, by using the FFT.
Now i want to do the same thing by using a convolution (it's an exercise): I perform 5000 convolutions of that signal by using 5000 filters. Each filter is a sine waveform on a different frequency between 0 and 5000 Hz. Then, i search the peak for each convolution output. By this way i should find the maximum peak when i'm using the filter with the same tone contained on the signal.
Infact with a tone of 2kHz i can find the max with the 2kHz filter.
The problem is that when i receive a 4kHz tone, i find the max on the convolution with the 4200Hz filter (while the FFT instead always works fine) Is it matematically possible? what is the problem in my convolution?
This is the convolution function that i wrote:
//i do the convolution and return the max
//IN is the array with the signal
//DATASIZE is the size of the array IN
//KERNEL is the filter containing the sine at the selected frequency
int convolveAndGetPeak(short[] in,int dataSize, double[] kernel) {
//per non rischiare l'overflow, il kernel deve avere un ampiezza massima pari a 1/10 del max
int i, j, k;
int kernelSize=kernel.length;
int tmpSignalAfterFilter=0;
double out;
// convolution from out[0] to out[kernelSize-2]
for(i=0; i < kernelSize - 1; ++i)
out = 0; // init to 0 before sum
for(j = i, k = 0; j >= 0; --j, ++k)
out += in[j] * kernel[k];
if (Math.abs((int) out)>tmpSignalAfterFilter ){
tmpSignalAfterFilter=Math.abs((int) out);
// start convolution from out[kernelSize-1] to out[dataSize-1] (last)
//iniziamo da dove eravamo arrivati
for( ; i < dataSize; ++i)
out = 0; // initialize to 0 before accumulate
for(j = i, k = 0; k < kernelSize; --j, ++k)
out += in[j] * kernel[k];
if (Math.abs((int) out)>tmpSignalAfterFilter ){
tmpSignalAfterFilter=Math.abs((int) out);
return tmpSignalAfterFilter;
the kernel, used as filter, is generated this way:
//curFreq is the frequency of the filter in Hz
//kernelSamplesSize is the desired length of the filter (number of samples), for time precision reasons i'm using 20 samples length.
//sampleRate is the sampling frequency
double[] generateKernel(int curFreq,int kernelSamplesSize,int sampleRate){
double[] curKernel= new double[kernelSamplesSize] ;
for (int kernelIndex=0;kernelIndex<curKernel.length;kernelIndex++){
curKernel[kernelIndex]=Math.sin( (double)kernelIndex * ((double)(2*Math.PI) * (double)curFreq / (double)sampleRate)); //the part that makes this a sine wave....
return curKernel;
if you want to try a convolution, the data contained in the IN array is the following: http://www.tr3ma.com/Dati/signal.txt
Note1: the sampling frequency is 44100Hz
Note2: the tone contained in the signal is a single 4kHz tone (even if the convolution has the max peak with a 4200Hz filter.
EDIT: I also repeated the test on a excel sheet. the result is the same (of course, i'm using the same algorithm) and the algorithms seems to me to be correct... this is the excel sheet i prepared, if you prefer to work on excel: http://www.tr3ma.com/Dati/convolutions.xlsm