
I've been running Gatling tests and I have a whole bunch of reports in the results folder. For example I have a report for 200 requests per second and one for 400 requests per second.

Is there anyway to compare the reports against each other?


2 Answers


There's only the Jenkins plugin for now.

That's something we plan on providing as a commercial offer.


Gatling itself provides enterprise version called Gatling Frontline, which does support trends and history runs.

Another possibility is to use your simulation.log and process them using nuxeo gatling-report utility like this:

# check https://maven-eu.nuxeo.org/nexus/#nexus-search;quick~gatling-report for latest version, or build from source
wget 'https://maven-eu.nuxeo.org/nexus/service/local/repositories/public-releases/content/org/nuxeo/tools/gatling-report/4.0/gatling-report-4.0-capsule-fat.jar'
# do not create outputReportDirectory !
java -jar gatling-report-4.0-capsule-fat.jar results/complexscenario-20200618125705159/simulation.log results/complexscenario-20200617130307094/simulation.log -o outputReportDirectory

If you intend to generate trends during maven build, you can have a look at DennisRippinger gatling-reporter maven plugin, which encpsulates previously mentioned project.