
At the beginning i would like to say sorry for my english.

I would like to publish stream as a record on my RED5 server but i have a problem because i want to save .flv + voice from my microphone on my server.

I'm trying to connect to my red5 server:

connection = new NetConnection();
connection.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusEventR5);
connection.client = this;
connection.connect("rtmp://" + my_ip);

and it's works of course (btw. listener for connection take information something like "Netstream.Connect.Failed" and so forth). Anyway after connect to server i'm trying to publish *flv video and my voice and then save this like:

stream = new NetStream(connection);
stream.client = this;
stream.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusEvent);
stream.publish(recfilename, "record");  

When i looked on my server after stream i saw that file was saved but included only voice from my microphone, without screen or audio from .flv. It's possible? Any advices?

Did you forgot to attach the camera to your stream? attachCamera()Ingweland
But i want to play (stream) flv video from my server and add my microphone voice and then save all of this on my server.user3015215
So you want to create a recording with new voice audio and previously recorded video?Paul Gregoire
Yes, something like thatuser3015215

1 Answers


I know that's a little late to answer this question but I do for, may be, another person who need an answer.

I think that's impossible to play and publish over the same NetStream, adobe was clearly said :

Note:You cannot play and publish a stream over the same NetStream object.

See here for more details : http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/net/NetStream.html#badgeAnchorSupport