At the beginning i would like to say sorry for my english.
I would like to publish stream as a record on my RED5 server but i have a problem because i want to save .flv + voice from my microphone on my server.
I'm trying to connect to my red5 server:
connection = new NetConnection();
connection.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusEventR5);
connection.client = this;
connection.connect("rtmp://" + my_ip);
and it's works of course (btw. listener for connection take information something like "Netstream.Connect.Failed" and so forth). Anyway after connect to server i'm trying to publish *flv video and my voice and then save this like:
stream = new NetStream(connection);
stream.client = this;
stream.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusEvent);
stream.publish(recfilename, "record");
When i looked on my server after stream i saw that file was saved but included only voice from my microphone, without screen or audio from .flv. It's possible? Any advices?